
Research to restore trust in telephones

Work With Us

We love working with industry on robocall and other telephone-related problems. There are lots of ways of working with us (some of them free for you!) These include:


Tell us about a new/hard problem you don’t think the academy or industry is doing right.


Share data to answer questions of mutual interest. Our group has experience securely managing highly sensitive data under confidential data agreements.

Hire Our Students

We get to work with some of the brightest folks in security… for a very short period of time before they graduate. Our loss can be your gain.

If you are looking for ridiculously talented engineers and researchers for internships or full-time positions, from undergrads to Ph.D.s, let us know.

Tech Transfer

Contact to license our existing IP or discuss transitioning research protoypes to practice.

Commission Research

You can engage our group to conduct work in an area of mutual interest through a research contract (pre-agreed upon deliverables) or an unrestricted gift (no mandated deliverables, but may be tax deductible). Contact for details.


Brad Reaves is occasionally available to provide consulting and training in areas of his expertise, which include secure communications, security measurement of applications and networking, application auditing, and telecommunications fraud and security. Contact for details.